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Authors: Megan O'Keefe, Shabir Abdul Samadh

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Managing cloud-hosted resources alongside Kubernetes workloads using Kubernetes' declarative model
  • Kubernetes' API server is the source of truth for external tools, clients, and internal components
  • Kubernetes' declarative model transfers the responsibility of reconciling intended and actual state from the user to the cluster
  • Kubernetes resource model (KRM) is a data model or schema used to define the intended state of Kubernetes resources
  • Cloud resources can be managed using first-party cloud controllers or third-party open-source tools
  • AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and Google Cloud Config Connector are examples of cloud controllers
  • AWS S3 controller can be installed onto a Kubernetes cluster using Helm and used to manage S3 buckets
  • OpenPolicyAgent can be integrated with cloud-hosted resource definitions to enforce custom policies across environments