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Authors: Henrik Høegh

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses how Lunar bank achieved the capability of doing a failover using Githubs and moved from canary deployments to canary clusters. The main focus is on the tech stack used and the challenges faced during the process.
  • Lunar bank moved from canary deployments to canary clusters to meet the needs of their customers who rely on them to move quickly and provide new features in a highly reliable manner.
  • The production clusters were made truly disposable by deeply integrating with the infrastructure provider, writing new custom operators, and moving most state out of the cluster.
  • The company achieved the capability of doing a failover using Githubs, which was complex and required a lot of work.
  • The tech stack used included Kubernetes, Git Ups, Flux, AWS, S3 bucket, RabbitMQ, and external DNS.
  • The challenges faced included merge complexity in the Github repo, stalling of new deployments during the exercise, and discomfort among employees due to the complexity of the process.