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Authors: Shane Lawrence, Daniele Santos

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of identifying and preventing common misconfigurations in Kubernetes workloads to avoid cyber attacks and data breaches. The speakers demonstrate how to use Kubeaudit, an open source scanner, to detect and mitigate configuration risks without adding undue friction for developers.
  • Misconfigured settings, insecure defaults, and overly permissive controls are common causes of cyber attacks and data breaches
  • Kubeaudit is an open source scanner that provides a user-friendly way to detect and automatically mitigate configuration risks
  • Challenges of securing 1,000,000 running pods along with configuration files in a GitHub org with 15,000 repos are discussed
  • Attendees learn how to detect and resolve configuration issues without needing expert knowledge while keeping developers happy
Authors: Catalin Curelaru

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of cyber threat intelligence in protecting applications and businesses. It provides insights on how to integrate it into an application security program and automate data collection and processing to prevent or mitigate cyber attacks.
  • Digital technologies have revolutionized the world's economic and cultural institutions but have brought additional risk in the form of cyber attacks
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is important in consolidating a company and protecting applications
  • CTI is the collection and analysis of information about cyber threats and adversaries to provide context and prevent/mitigate attacks
  • CTI should be objectively actionable and help reduce the effectiveness of cyber threats
  • CTI can be a driver for cybersecurity return of investment
  • CTI is lacking a methodology in the application world
  • Intelligence is often shared but hardly used and distribution is difficult
  • Lessons from the intelligence community can be applied to CTI