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Authors: Daniel Lipovetsky

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges of debugging Kubernetes applications, particularly Cluster API, and how to solve them using ephemeral containers and open-source tools.
  • Debugging Kubernetes applications is challenging due to the lack of a debugger in the pod and the separation of the target executable and process from the debugger client
  • Ephemeral containers can be used to run the debugger in the same process namespace as the target and to avoid including unnecessary utilities in the container image
  • The presenter demonstrates how to use an IDE to simultaneously debug multiple controllers in Cluster API using breakpoints
  • The use of widely-available, open-source tools such as the Delve debugger and Alpine Linux image makes interactive debugging of Kubernetes applications more accessible
Authors: Aaron Alpar

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of ephemeral containers for debugging running pods in Kubernetes clusters.
  • Ephemeral containers allow for dynamic deployment of a container that shares pod resources
  • They use Linux namespaces to share network and process resources for debugging
  • Ephemeral containers provide privileged access to pods for complete debugging capabilities
  • They also allow for running commands like ls and ps in containers for easier debugging
  • Ephemeral containers can remain listed in the pod after exiting with an exit status
  • Restarting the pod will remove any ephemeral containers