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Authors: Jesse Suen, Qingkun Li

tldr - powered by Generative AI

TikTok manages its global edge clusters with Kubernetes and operates continuous delivery with Argo CD. The talk discusses the scalability challenges faced by Tiktok to manage edge services using Argo CD and how the Argo community plans to address them in future.
  • TikTok operates a large network of Kubernetes edge clusters around the world, hosting apps such as Tiktok, live and gaming, using cache and traffic acceleration services offered at our edge clusters.
  • The challenge arises when it comes to the deployment management of those edge services on hundreds of edge clusters.
  • Argo CD is used to manage cluster applications on the edge.
  • The deployment of all edge services follows the same pattern, with a large portion of common configurations and a small portion of cluster-specific configurations.
  • The performance and scalability of using Argo CD to manage over 3000 applications across 100 global edge clusters is a challenge.
  • The Argo community plans to address these challenges in the future.