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Conference:  Defcon 31
Authors: Nicolas Minvielle Making Tomorrow, Xavier Facélina Seclab

The links between science fiction and reality have been demonstrated in numerous research studies. By speculating about the possible future uses of technologies under development, science fiction shows us plausible futures. In this sense, it allows us, as a society, to popularize and debate the consequences (expected or not) of our technological developments. In addition to this not negligible social role science fiction also has an impact on our current developments. We speak here of "loop-looping", i.e. there is a feedback loop between what science fiction shows us and what we are then led to actually develop. From this point of view, our imaginations are performative, and this is perhaps the most critical issue: what I see can happen. In the case of hacking and cybersecurity, a particular phenomenon is added: the general public's knowledge of these subjects is mainly through the fictions they watch, read, or listen to. We propose to analyze a corpus of 200 fictional attacks, and 800 real attacks and to compare them to define if the imaginary ones are predictive if they inform us or on the contrary mislead us as for the reality of the current attacks.
Authors: Prasanjit Singh

In 1962, in his book “Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible”, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke formulated his famous Three Laws, of which the third law is the best-known and most widely cited: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. This quote is the seed of the session "A Tall Tale of GitOps!" It is a 'Tall Tale' because it is nothing short of that! What GitOps can do is larger-than-life and the session will see it unfold. We will also share a repository of "Awesome GitOps" resources that you can use for hands-on demonstration about how one can write code, build it, create infrastructure, deploy the application and monitor the application all from a git version control push! The talk is focussed at beginners and will introduce the concept of GitOps and explain the building blocks of the architecture with a fictional story analogy.