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Authors: José Carlos Chávez

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of security in a service mesh like Istio and identifies the main threat actors and potential risks. The main thesis is that security is complex and requires a combination of protection mechanisms across multiple layers.
  • Security in a service mesh involves protecting multiple layers, including the underlying infrastructure, Kubernetes platform, Istio service mesh, and applications
  • Misconfiguration is a major security risk and is often caused by human error
  • The main threat actors include internal attackers, contributors to Istio and third-party dependencies, and untrusted users
  • A survey will be conducted to identify common security incidents and curate a list of best practices
  • Security requires a combination of protection mechanisms and policies based on the assumption that attackers are already inside the network
Authors: Rami Elron

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Effective usage analysis can significantly accelerate product releases by identifying and prioritizing effective vulnerabilities, eliminating inefficiencies, and improving resource utilization.
  • Modern software applications have thousands of dependencies between open source and proprietary components, many of which have security vulnerabilities
  • 70% of reported vulnerabilities in real-world applications cannot be referenced from application code, effectively posing no risk
  • Organizations often prioritize vulnerability handling based on reported severity, leading to an inordinate amount of time spent on ineffective vulnerabilities
  • Effective usage analysis facilitates the identification of effective and ineffective vulnerabilities, enabling organizations to focus on real risks and expedite product delivery
  • Effective usage analysis improves prioritization, eliminates inefficiencies, and helps organizations realize better scheduling goals