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Authors: Yuji Watanabe, Jayashree Ramanathan

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The presentation discusses the importance of policy-based governance in protecting the integrity of Ansible playbooks and ensuring a consistent approach to managing clusters. The approach involves representing best practices as policies, managing them like source code, and deploying them using GitHub's methodology. The benefits include reduced operational costs, continuous security and audit readiness, and efficient day-to-day collaboration among various personas. The presentation also highlights the Kubernetes Policy Workgroup's white paper on policy management and the Open Cluster Management CNCF Sandbox project that enables the policy-based governance approach.
  • Policy-based governance is crucial in protecting the integrity of Ansible playbooks and ensuring a consistent approach to managing clusters
  • Best practices can be represented as policies, managed like source code, and deployed using GitHub's methodology
  • Benefits include reduced operational costs, continuous security and audit readiness, and efficient day-to-day collaboration among various personas
  • The Kubernetes Policy Workgroup's white paper on policy management and the Open Cluster Management CNCF Sandbox project enable the policy-based governance approach