
A Containerd And Friends Update: What’s New In Runtimes?


Authors:   Mike Brown, Phil Estes, Maksym Pavlenko, Michael Zappa


After five years as a CNCF project, containerd is still actively growing in contributors and maintainers who are busy working on interesting features and capabilities in the core and non-core containerd projects. During this project update from maintainers you'll learn about the latest work in containerd, including our recent addition of sandboxes, a handful of CRI and CNI improvements, as well as various improvements to the architecture and services that drive containerd's use by other projects and platforms. Outside of the core containerd project, our "non-core" projects have grown in number, including several Rust-based projects, new snapshotter implementations, and the increasingly popular client-focused project, nerdctl. Come join us for a fast-paced update on all these areas and to ask your containerd questions with the handful of on-site containerd maintainers.


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