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Authors: Hung-Ying Tai, Vivian Hu

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the need for a lighter and more efficient way to manage microservices in the post-pandemic rise of lightweight microservices. The solution presented is the use of WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) to create a more lightweight and efficient infrastructure.
  • The rise of lightweight microservices has created a need for a more efficient way to manage them
  • Current technology is not efficient enough for the large number of microservices required by modern applications
  • WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) provides a more lightweight and efficient infrastructure for managing microservices
  • WASI enables non-blocking sockets, supports domain name lookup, and extends the current API to allow for more functionality
  • WASI can be integrated with various databases and frameworks, including MySQL, Maria DB, PostgreSQL, and Redis server
  • The use of WASI can lead to a more efficient and lightweight infrastructure for managing microservices
Authors: Maksym Pavlenko, Samuel Karp

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Containerd is an open-source container runtime that provides a standard interface for managing container lifecycles and images across different platforms and operating systems.
  • Containerd is a CNCF project that provides a standard interface for managing container lifecycles and images across different platforms and operating systems.
  • It is designed to be lightweight and portable, with a focus on simplicity and modularity.
  • Containerd is used by many popular container platforms, including Docker, Kubernetes, and Amazon ECS.
  • It supports pluggable storage and networking, allowing users to customize their container environments.
  • Containerd is actively developed and maintained by a community of contributors from various organizations.
Authors: James Laverack

The Kubernetes API provides a gateway to manage cloud native resources, and there exist client libraries to interact with Kubernetes in many languages. Rust is uniquely positioned to write software for Kubernetes. With a powerful type system, fast binaries, excellent documentation, and unparalleled memory safety it is well positioned for critical tooling and infrastructure. This talk will be a crash course on how to interact with Kubernetes in Rust, and will cover the basics you need to know to write your next tool targeting Kubernetes with Rust.
Authors: Urvashi Mohnani, Peter Hunt, Mrunal Patel

As CRI-O approaches CNCF graduation, it continues in its mission to provide a stable and secure OCI implementation of the Kubernetes CRI. Join the CRI-O team as they give an overview of CRI-O as well as talk about some new work, such as the progress on the new container monitor conmon-rs, rewritten completely in Rust. The team will also talk about the integration with sigstore to secure CRI-O’s supply chain as well as some of the interesting work being done in CRI-O to stay in-line with upstream Kubernetes. These include the stats collection rework as well as the work to support evented PLEG. Audience members will leave with an understanding of what CRI-O is, and where it is going.
Authors: Mike Brown, Phil Estes, Maksym Pavlenko, Michael Zappa

After five years as a CNCF project, containerd is still actively growing in contributors and maintainers who are busy working on interesting features and capabilities in the core and non-core containerd projects. During this project update from maintainers you'll learn about the latest work in containerd, including our recent addition of sandboxes, a handful of CRI and CNI improvements, as well as various improvements to the architecture and services that drive containerd's use by other projects and platforms. Outside of the core containerd project, our "non-core" projects have grown in number, including several Rust-based projects, new snapshotter implementations, and the increasingly popular client-focused project, nerdctl. Come join us for a fast-paced update on all these areas and to ask your containerd questions with the handful of on-site containerd maintainers.
Authors: Vivian Hu

Dapr is a very popular sidecar-based application framework that supports microservices written in many languages. WasmEdge is a cloud-native WebAssembly runtime. It provides the necessary networking APIs to support WebAssembly-based microservices. In this talk, I will demonstrate how to create Rust and JavaScript functions, and run them as Dapr microservices through the WasmEdge runtime. I will also cover more advanced topics such as how to interact with Dapr APIs from the WebAssembly function and how to manage the WadmEdge microservices using Kubernetes. Source code and a live example are available here: https://github.com/second-state/dapr-wasm
Authors: James Zhang, Xinye Tao

tldr - powered by Generative AI

TiKV has introduced new features to improve its service quality in cloud storage, including Raft Engine and Prioritized I/O Rate Limiting.
  • TiKV is a distributed storage engine that can scale out to hundreds of nodes and replicate both wall and data files to provide high availability.
  • Cloud storage hardware can be a challenge due to its internal complexity, higher latency, and shared hardware with other users.
  • To reduce cost and improve scalability, TiKV has introduced two new features: Raft Engine and Prioritized I/O Rate Limiting.
  • Raft Engine is a new log store for TiKV that maintains an email index of all log entries, reducing background works and compressing log entries with lz4 to reduce nearly 30% of all server writes.
  • Prioritized I/O Rate Limiting categorizes all system I/Os into three different priorities and assigns individual I/O limits to those priorities, adjusting the I/O limits for lower priorities after an overflow to decrease the global I/O usage of the system.
Authors: Gary Preston White Jr.

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Tremor is a program that helps manage unstructured data and provides cost savings and flexibility for enterprise companies.
  • Tremor uses pictures and gifs to help manage unstructured data and provide observability for critical services
  • Tremor allows for rate limiting of services and applications to manage flow of input
  • Tremor provides significant cost savings compared to other log management systems
  • Tremor can be used as an upstream piece of an open telemetry agent to manage unstructured data
  • Tremor provides flexibility for enterprise companies to manage their data in a programmatic interface
Authors: Oliver Gould

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Overview of Linkerd project and its features for Kubernetes service mesh
  • Linkerd is a service mesh for Kubernetes that provides observability, reliability, and security
  • Observability is achieved through sidecar proxies that monitor http, grpc, and tcp metrics
  • Reliability features include grpc load balancing, connection level load balancing for tcp, and configurable retries and timeouts
  • Security is provided through transparent mtls for pod-to-pod communication
  • New features include Linguity SMI extension for managing SMI CRDs and adapters for generating linguistic primitives
  • Future plans include taking advantage of the new Linux system I/O system called Iou ring for CPU improvements and FIPS 140-2 compliance systems
  • Users can get involved through talks, meetups, weekly edge releases, and monthly community meetings
  • Linkerd has a growing set of features that can be added on for traffic shifting and more