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Authors: Mauricio Salatino, Adrian Cole

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of webassembly in Dapper, a distributed application platform, and how it can be used to change the logical inside the deployed cells. The presentation also introduces the HTTP middleware component and the Wasm runtime that is embedded into the Dapper sidecar to run the filter.
  • Webassembly can be used to run third-party code inside the same process without launching another process
  • Dapper started exploring the use of webassembly in 2019
  • The zero dependency webassembly runtime for Go was used to embed webassembly virtual machine into a Go process
  • The HTTP middleware component was introduced to allow users to change requests or response
  • The Wasm runtime is embedded into the Dapper sidecar to run the filter
Authors: Shubham Sharma

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Dapper is a tool that simplifies the process of building microservices by providing a set of building blocks that handle common tasks such as service discovery, state management, and pub/sub messaging.
  • Dapper allows developers to focus on writing business logic instead of worrying about infrastructure
  • Dapper provides a set of building blocks that handle common tasks such as service discovery, state management, and pub/sub messaging
  • Dapper's bulk API allows for improved latency and faster communication between applications and the Dapper control plane
  • Dapper's SDKs make it easy to write code that interacts with Dapper's building blocks
  • Dapper can be used with Kubernetes to simplify the process of deploying and managing microservices
Authors: Artur Souza, Yaron Schneider

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses Dapper, a microservices building block that simplifies the development of distributed systems by providing APIs for common tasks such as service invocation, state management, and pub/sub messaging.
  • Dapper is a microservices building block that simplifies the development of distributed systems
  • It provides APIs for common tasks such as service invocation, state management, and pub/sub messaging
  • Dapper uses plugable components to allow developers to use their preferred technology stack
  • Dapper provides SDKs for popular languages to make it easier to write plugable components
  • Dapper can be used with various messaging systems such as Redis and Azure Service Bus
Authors: Vivian Hu

Dapr is a very popular sidecar-based application framework that supports microservices written in many languages. WasmEdge is a cloud-native WebAssembly runtime. It provides the necessary networking APIs to support WebAssembly-based microservices. In this talk, I will demonstrate how to create Rust and JavaScript functions, and run them as Dapr microservices through the WasmEdge runtime. I will also cover more advanced topics such as how to interact with Dapr APIs from the WebAssembly function and how to manage the WadmEdge microservices using Kubernetes. Source code and a live example are available here: https://github.com/second-state/dapr-wasm
Authors: Benjamin Huo, Xiuming Lu

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Cloud-native service technologies can empower autonomous driving, and a cloud-agnostic, fast platform is necessary for efficient development and scalability.
  • Autonomous driving relies heavily on artificial intelligence algorithms and data, making a cloud-agnostic platform necessary for data privacy and development flexibility.
  • The complexity of autonomous driving requires a fast platform with automatic scaling and efficient error handling.
  • Open-source cloud-native technologies like Keta can provide the necessary features for a cloud-agnostic, fast platform.
  • Efficient observability mechanisms and a robust system are crucial for troubleshooting and safety requirements.
  • Package management and an easy-to-use interface wrapper can make the platform more powerful and user-friendly.
  • An active and efficient maintenance team is necessary for the stability and prosperity of the community and product development.
Authors: Donovan Brown, Jessica Deen

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of Helm, Dapper, and Bridge to Kubernetes to simplify microservice development and deployment using GitHub Actions.
  • Helm is the de facto package manager for Kubernetes
  • Dapper is a portable event-driven runtime that simplifies microservice development
  • Bridge to Kubernetes allows developers to debug a single service in an isolated environment
  • GitHub Actions can automate software workflows with CI/CD
  • Combining these tools simplifies the microservice creation, delivery, and troubleshooting process