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Authors: Mauricio Salatino, Adrian Cole

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of webassembly in Dapper, a distributed application platform, and how it can be used to change the logical inside the deployed cells. The presentation also introduces the HTTP middleware component and the Wasm runtime that is embedded into the Dapper sidecar to run the filter.
  • Webassembly can be used to run third-party code inside the same process without launching another process
  • Dapper started exploring the use of webassembly in 2019
  • The zero dependency webassembly runtime for Go was used to embed webassembly virtual machine into a Go process
  • The HTTP middleware component was introduced to allow users to change requests or response
  • The Wasm runtime is embedded into the Dapper sidecar to run the filter
Authors: Matt Jarvis, Paula Kennedy, Max Körbächer, Annalisa Gennaro, Alessandro Vozza

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Tips for organizing a successful Kubernetes Community Days event
  • Continuous advertising of the call for papers (CFP)
  • Direct outreach to underrepresented communities for diverse speakers
  • Engaging smaller companies for cash flow
  • Allowing enough time for preparation
  • Resources available from CNCF and Kubernetes Community Days repo
Authors: Christopher Hanson

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses how to interpret Kubernetes objects produced by kubectl to debug applications from an informed position.
  • Kubernetes resources have conditions, phases, and states that provide clues about the status of an application
  • kubectl commands like get, describe, and events can be used to extract information about the status of an application
  • Modifiers like -o can be used to output specific information about an object
  • Deployment, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, and Job have different status conditions that provide information about the status of an application
  • Ready is an important concept in Kubernetes that indicates whether a pod is ready to serve requests
Authors: Bryan Boreham

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The speaker discusses the challenges of implementing and fixing Kubernetes code and provides advice for newcomers. He also talks about the limitations of the 'get events' command and introduces a new 'kubectl events' command.
  • Newcomers should start with tests and expand coverage
  • Challenges include digging through code and lack of tutorials
  • The 'get events' command is limited in its functionality
  • The new 'kubectl events' command is more flexible and powerful
  • The speaker encourages filing issues and sending tweets for feedback
Authors: Alexander Matyushentsev, Jesse Suen

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Argo CD is a lightweight and stable project that allows users to manage Kubernetes applications. The project is extensible and allows for the addition of new features through annotations. The Argo Proj Labs is a sister organization that hosts ecosystem projects from the community that complement the core projects. These ecosystem projects enhance the Argo CD experience and provide users with more options to manage their applications.
  • Annotations allow for the expansion of a resource's spec without implementing functionality into the core controller logic
  • Adding features through annotations allows for independent projects, higher development velocity, and earlier access to features
  • Argo Proj Labs hosts ecosystem projects that complement the core projects and enhance the Argo CD experience
  • The Argo CD Image Updater tool monitors container registries for new image tags and updates the git repo for Argo CD to deploy them
  • Application Sets automate the creation of many applications, making it easier to manage hundreds of clusters or monorepos