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Authors: Alexander Matyushentsev, Jesse Suen

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Argo CD is a lightweight and stable project that allows users to manage Kubernetes applications. The project is extensible and allows for the addition of new features through annotations. The Argo Proj Labs is a sister organization that hosts ecosystem projects from the community that complement the core projects. These ecosystem projects enhance the Argo CD experience and provide users with more options to manage their applications.
  • Annotations allow for the expansion of a resource's spec without implementing functionality into the core controller logic
  • Adding features through annotations allows for independent projects, higher development velocity, and earlier access to features
  • Argo Proj Labs hosts ecosystem projects that complement the core projects and enhance the Argo CD experience
  • The Argo CD Image Updater tool monitors container registries for new image tags and updates the git repo for Argo CD to deploy them
  • Application Sets automate the creation of many applications, making it easier to manage hundreds of clusters or monorepos