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Authors: Marek Siarkowicz, James Blair, Samba Bandari, Bogdan Kanivets

Download the code ahead of time. DCO required.Join the contributors to Etcd, the most popular cloud-native database that backs Kubernetes. We'll be working on improving key features and testing for Etcd, and in the process we’ll teach those new to the project how to contribute. Etcd is a very useful, fun, and essential project, and welcomes both new contributors and those who want to “levelup”.Attendees should be familiar with programming in Go, using GitHub, and should bring a laptop on which they can do cloud-native development: either a Linux laptop, your own Github Devcontainer setup, or some equivalent.Etcd maintainers will organise work to improve reliability of Etcd. We will focus on improving etcd robustness testing and paying technical depth.This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
Authors: Mauricio Poppe

When Mauricio started working on Kubernetes one of his first tasks was to run the Kubernetes storage e2e tests with a CSI Driver, e2e tests run by compiling the e2e test codebase onto a binary called e2e.test, while running tests Mauricio wanted to stop at some specific part of the test to check the status of the cluster which previously required adding sleep statements in the test and recompiling the e2e.test binary, as Mauricio was learning go tooling he found Delve which enables setting breakpoints on go programs but saw that it wasn't integrated with the way Kubernetes run e2e tests. Mauricio added a way to debug the e2e tests with Delve, in this talk Mauricio will talk about how Delve works and how it's used with the e2e.test binary to debug tests. This talk is for people that want to contribute to Kubernetes but don't know where to start, in Mauricio's opinion you can start from the e2e tests and by setting breakpoints and analyzing the cluster state based on what the test does you'll understand how Kubernetes works.
Authors: Artur Souza, Yaron Schneider

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses Dapper, a microservices building block that simplifies the development of distributed systems by providing APIs for common tasks such as service invocation, state management, and pub/sub messaging.
  • Dapper is a microservices building block that simplifies the development of distributed systems
  • It provides APIs for common tasks such as service invocation, state management, and pub/sub messaging
  • Dapper uses plugable components to allow developers to use their preferred technology stack
  • Dapper provides SDKs for popular languages to make it easier to write plugable components
  • Dapper can be used with various messaging systems such as Redis and Azure Service Bus
Authors: Tim Hockin

Kubernetes is one of the largest and most well known systems written in the Go programming language. Kubernetes is also a fairly complex codebase, which often pushes Go to its limits. To make it work, we sometimes have had to go outside of the "normal" usage of Go's tooling and ecosystem. Anyone familiar with the project will probably groan when they heard phrases like "staging repo" or "code generator". We have accrued a pretty significant amount of technical debt over the last few years. With Go 1.18 comes a powerful new feature - "workspaces". This is what happens when the language team looks at what their users are doing and as asks "how can we make this better?". We can wipe away a lot of that debt - "just use workspaces". But, sadly, it's not as easy as it might sound. This talk will introduce listeners to the problems we have, the gross workarounds we use, and how workspaces make it all better. We'll talk a bit about the work that is being done to make "just use workspaces" a reality.
Authors: John McBride

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The importance of maintaining secure software supply chain and mitigating the risk of personnel attrition in DevOps and Cybersecurity
  • Trust is hard to establish in the DevOps ecosystem, especially for solo maintainers
  • Invest in engineering resources and ensure personal security to mitigate the risk of hacks and attacks
  • Bring other people into the inner circle and the maintainer track to share responsibilities and prevent catastrophic attrition
  • Create processes to mitigate the lottery factor for solo maintainers
  • Maintainers are the secure software supply chain and critical to preventing bad middleware and potential CVEs
  • The story of npm event stream and the crypto bandit illustrates the importance of single maintainers in the broader secure software supply chain
Authors: Matt Schallert, Dominik Tornow

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses how declarative solutions, such as Operators, along with imperative solutions, such as Temporal, can be used to automate the operations of complex software systems on Kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes can be characterized as an operation automation platform that implements operation automation with the help of Kubernetes controller and Kubernetes resources
  • Controllers perform reconciliation, which is the transition of a system from its current state to its desired state
  • Temporal is an OSS Workflow Orchestration Platform that guarantees that workflow execution cannot fail
  • Temporal and Operators work in tandem and mitigate each other's limitations
  • The M3DB Operator is an example of how Temporal and Operators can be combined to make managing M3DB easier
Authors: Frederic Branczyk

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The talk discusses the use of eBPF in the cloud native ecosystem, its portability through the CO:RE initiative, and its combination with Go and Kubernetes for observability, security, and performance tuning.
  • eBPF allows running programs in kernel space and attaching them to events or hooks for observability, security, and networking
  • The CO:RE initiative aims to achieve portability through libbpf, a just-in-time compiler that transforms eBPF bytecode into executable code on the host
  • eBPF can be combined with Go and Kubernetes to bridge low-level kernel features to higher-level Kubernetes concepts like Pods
  • Real-life examples are shown to help measure and improve performance systematically
Authors: Eden Federman

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Effortless Profiling on Kubernetes
  • Profiling is the act of analyzing the performance of applications in order to improve poorly performing sections of code
  • Flame graphs are a popular way to visualize a profile
  • The challenges of profiling include overhead and modifying code
  • Cuba City Flame is a tool that aims to make profiling effortless by removing the need to do code modifications and by doing profiling without having to do a deployment
  • The future of profiling includes ephemera containers, ebpf, and continuous profiling tools