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Authors: Kemal Akkoyun, Matthias Loibl

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the development of Parka, a tool for profiling and analyzing performance in software applications. The focus is on the storage architecture and the process of handling write requests.
  • Parka is a tool for profiling and analyzing performance in software applications
  • The storage architecture of Parka is designed to handle stack traces as a first-class citizen
  • Write requests are ingested and validated using protobuf and metadata label sets
  • The metadata store is implemented in SQLite and can be used with any SQL database
  • The end result of a write request is a set of location IDs and corresponding sample values
Authors: Eden Federman

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Effortless Profiling on Kubernetes
  • Profiling is the act of analyzing the performance of applications in order to improve poorly performing sections of code
  • Flame graphs are a popular way to visualize a profile
  • The challenges of profiling include overhead and modifying code
  • Cuba City Flame is a tool that aims to make profiling effortless by removing the need to do code modifications and by doing profiling without having to do a deployment
  • The future of profiling includes ephemera containers, ebpf, and continuous profiling tools