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Authors: James Zhang, Xinye Tao

tldr - powered by Generative AI

TiKV has introduced new features to improve its service quality in cloud storage, including Raft Engine and Prioritized I/O Rate Limiting.
  • TiKV is a distributed storage engine that can scale out to hundreds of nodes and replicate both wall and data files to provide high availability.
  • Cloud storage hardware can be a challenge due to its internal complexity, higher latency, and shared hardware with other users.
  • To reduce cost and improve scalability, TiKV has introduced two new features: Raft Engine and Prioritized I/O Rate Limiting.
  • Raft Engine is a new log store for TiKV that maintains an email index of all log entries, reducing background works and compressing log entries with lz4 to reduce nearly 30% of all server writes.
  • Prioritized I/O Rate Limiting categorizes all system I/Os into three different priorities and assigns individual I/O limits to those priorities, adjusting the I/O limits for lower priorities after an overflow to decrease the global I/O usage of the system.
Authors: Matthias Hanel, Jean-Noël Moyne

tldr - powered by Generative AI

NATS is a cloud-native messaging system that offers high performance, simplicity, security, and availability. The introduction of JetStream, a new distributed persistence layer, enables NATS to offer new higher qualities of services and functionalities such as streaming.
  • NATS is a complete production problem cloud-native messaging system that is made for developers and operators who want to spend more time doing their job and less time worrying about how to do messaging
  • NATS offers over 40 different client libraries in as many languages, request-reply with inbox messaging and queueing, durable subscribers, and streaming functionalities with persistence of the streams
  • JetStream replaces STAN as a new streaming functionality of NATS and offers many advantages over STAN
  • JetStream is distributed and consistent, implements disaster recovery through mirroring between strips, supports file or memory storage, and offers decoupled flow control between the publishers to stream and the subscribers of that stream
  • JetStream has three retention policies available: limits, interests, and working queue, and gives you many options when it comes to replay policies