
Cloud Provider OpenStack Intro & Update


Authors:   Anusha Ramineni, Lingxian Kong


Overview of Cloud Provider OpenStack and its components for Kubernetes integration
  • Cloud Provider OpenStack is a sub-project of Kubernetes that implements standards and requirements for OpenStack integration
  • The components of Cloud Provider OpenStack include OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager, Octavia Ingress Controller, Cinder CSI Plugin, Keystone Webhook Auth, Manila CSI Plugin, Barbican KMS Plugin, and Magnum Auto Healer
  • The components interact with OpenStack services to implement Kubernetes resources and functions
  • Cloud Provider OpenStack releases are in the same cadence as Kubernetes releases and support multiple platforms
  • An anecdote or story was not provided in the text


In this session we will give overview of provider-openstack subproject. cloud-provider-openstack repository hosts various plugins relevant to OpenStack and Kubernetes Integration which includes OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager, Octavia Ingress Controller, Cinder CSI Plugin, Keystone Webhook Auth, Manila CSI Plugin, Barbican KMS Plugin and Magnum Auto Healer. This session covers the overview of all hosted plugins as well as recent work/enhancements that are being done and future roadmap of the project.


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