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Authors: Shahar Shmaram, Ran Mansoor

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges faced by a company during hyper growth and how they implemented a solution using GitHub's methodology and Backstage to manage their resources and visualize them in one place.
  • The company faced challenges during hyper growth such as lack of alignment, manually managed resources, unknown resource dependencies and ownership, exploding budget, and lack of technical documentation.
  • They implemented a solution using GitHub's methodology which emphasizes declarative infrastructure as code, versioning, immutability, automatic deployment pipelines, and continuous reconciliation.
  • They also used Backstage, an open platform for building developer portals, to manage their resources in one location, write documentation easily, search for information, use automated software templates, and create self-contained plugins.
  • The solution was auditable, declarative, had a single source of truth, was community-driven, self-serve, and provided visibility.
  • An anecdote was given about how the GitHub solution detected a drift in a policy and automatically brought it back to its desired state.
  • Tags: AI, Cybersecurity, DevOps, GitHub, Backstage, hyper growth, resource management, visualization, automation, documentation, self-serve, community-driven.
Authors: Anusha Ramineni, Lingxian Kong

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Overview of Cloud Provider OpenStack and its components for Kubernetes integration
  • Cloud Provider OpenStack is a sub-project of Kubernetes that implements standards and requirements for OpenStack integration
  • The components of Cloud Provider OpenStack include OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager, Octavia Ingress Controller, Cinder CSI Plugin, Keystone Webhook Auth, Manila CSI Plugin, Barbican KMS Plugin, and Magnum Auto Healer
  • The components interact with OpenStack services to implement Kubernetes resources and functions
  • Cloud Provider OpenStack releases are in the same cadence as Kubernetes releases and support multiple platforms
  • An anecdote or story was not provided in the text