
Sponsored Keynote: Achieving Kubernetes Nirvana with Platforms, People & Processes


Authors:   Denise Schannon


The speaker discusses the evolution of Kubernetes and Rancher, and how they have adapted to the ever-changing ecosystem. She also emphasizes the importance of constantly reviewing and iterating processes and teams.
  • Kubernetes and Rancher have evolved over time to adapt to the changing ecosystem
  • Teams should be split up and dedicated to specific product areas to support career development and easier onboarding
  • Efficiency and execution should be the focus points of processes
  • Constantly review and iterate processes and teams
The speaker shares how Rancher split their teams up and dedicated one team to customer found defects, while several teams focused on community issues and enhancements. They later divided their teams into product area teams to support career development and easier onboarding. This has been their most successful iteration.


Kubernetes has lived up to its promises with the emergence of supportive people, processes & tooling in the ecosystem. This advancement has allowed us to deploy and deliver applications with great agility. This task, however, can get very daunting as teams try to scale up with additional enterprise requirements around policy governance, security and overall productivity.Join me as I share learnings and findings from the team behind the evolution of Rancher and explore how the cloud-native open source community, its technology & processes have helped us get closer to Kubernetes nirvana.
