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Authors: Denise Schannon

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The speaker discusses the evolution of Kubernetes and Rancher, and how they have adapted to the ever-changing ecosystem. She also emphasizes the importance of constantly reviewing and iterating processes and teams.
  • Kubernetes and Rancher have evolved over time to adapt to the changing ecosystem
  • Teams should be split up and dedicated to specific product areas to support career development and easier onboarding
  • Efficiency and execution should be the focus points of processes
  • Constantly review and iterate processes and teams
Authors: Divya Mohan, Bill Mulligan

“How can I get started?” is a common refrain heard from newcomers wanting to enter open source. This talk is the exact opposite - where you shouldn't invest your efforts while getting started. Being a new contributor to open source can be intimidating because you don’t know exactly what is helpful and what could hurt the community and frustrated maintainers. While a part of this gap can be attributed to the choose-your-own-adventure nature inherent to open source, there's already tons of material on how to get started technically. What nobody actually shines light on is the cultural dynamics. With this talk, the speakers aim to retell their experience and list common pitfalls almost everyone (including the speakers!) have made. This isn’t just about the right way to make a PR. The hardest, and most rewarding part, of any community is the people. The audience will learn how to engage in open source to ensure that the community they join will continue to be happy and healthy.
Authors: Don Vosburg, Aaron Conklin

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of software security in organizations and how to maintain it while reducing the surface area. It emphasizes the need for partnering with companies that specialize in security to handle the burden. The presentation also covers key concepts of security such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, non-repudiation, accountability, and anonymity. The speaker highlights the ebb and flow between openness and closeness needed for a functional environment and security. The presentation also discusses security certifications and standards such as Common Criteria, NIAP, DISA's Security Technology Information Guides, Phipps 140.3 Standard, and CIS Benchmarks.
  • Partnering with companies that specialize in security can help reduce the burden of maintaining software security while still ensuring overall security
  • Key concepts of security include confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, non-repudiation, accountability, and anonymity
  • There is an ebb and flow between openness and closeness needed for a functional environment and security
  • Security certifications and standards such as Common Criteria, NIAP, DISA's Security Technology Information Guides, Phipps 140.3 Standard, and CIS Benchmarks are important for maintaining software security