
How CNET (And Friends) Use the CNCF Landscape To Run High Traffic, Dynamic, Scalable, And Cost-Effective Websites.


Authors:   Corey McGalliard


The presentation discusses how CNET runs their environment using Kubernetes and their plans for future improvements.
  • CNET deploys 10-20 times a day to production using Kubernetes
  • They use Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy, and Argo CD for their CD strategy
  • They prioritize observability and are investigating Google's managed Prometheus
  • They use mutating web hooks to label workloads for billing and security purposes
  • They are exploring a 'get ops' pool mentality for pulling changes into the environment
Before adopting containerization, CNET could only deploy once or twice a week and had to coordinate heavily. With Kubernetes, they can deploy changes in hours and meet business requirements more efficiently.


CNET is no stranger to the world of containers; having been an early adopter of Docker Swarm, we've been using containers for many years! Recently, we migrated our workloads to Kubernetes, and the CNCF ecosystem has been a core component of our tech stack. As we started our application modernization initiative, we quickly realized by utilizing tools like Prometheus, Cert-Manager, External DNS, Traefik Ingress controller, Open Policy Agent, and others, we could give our developers a robust environment. The Kubernetes-based platform is not only for Production but Development Environments as well. The consistency between environments has kept our error rates down and websites up! Let's look at the flexibility the open software platform has given our developers! Let's take a journey from the perspective of a requested change on the front door of the website! First, a Product Manager makes the request, then we can see how a developer makes the change to the codebase and how quickly we can give the product manager a sandboxed environment to validate the requested change. the whole process takes only a few minutes. All of this is possible using open technology and our cloud provider. Let us show you how these tools work together to accomplish this flexibility and scale!


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