
Sponsored Session: Introducing OpenCost

Conference:  CloudOpen 2022


Authors:   Webb Brown


The presentation discusses the Open Cost project and how it provides real-time visibility into the cost of Kubernetes environments, enabling teams to optimize their efficiency and reduce idle costs.
  • Open Cost project provides real-time visibility into the cost of Kubernetes environments
  • Teams can optimize their efficiency and reduce idle costs
  • Real-time data is important for applying insights and auto-scaling based on costs
  • Ability to think about cost by any dimension enables teams to take action
  • Open Cost integrates with developer workflow and can pick up on application organization
  • Idle cost is a key starting point for optimization
The presenter notes that it is common for users to have 80-90% idle Kubernetes environments, and recommends starting with idle cost as a key number for optimization. The ability to drill down to specific resources and usage can help get teammates bought in and remove ambiguity around cost. The Open Cost project has already seen a number of integrations from users and is expected to see more in the future.


As Kubernetes and container adoption increases within an organization, complexities around measuring and allocating cost become a business critical challenge to solve. In this session you will be introduced to the OpenCost OS project and the OpenCost spec. The goal is to inaugurate this new vendor-agnostic methodology for accurately monitoring the costs of a Kubernetes cluster and its hosted tenants to help you tackle this.This session will formally launch OpenCost OSS to the open source community. Attendees will walk away with best practices for using this open source solution with a hands one demo to help you make sense of containers and cloud spend.


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