
Easy notifications for Kubernetes


Authors:   Alexander Matyushentsev, Remington Breeze


Kubernetes provides powerful features and empowers developers to solve lots of use-cases. Do you want to do GitOps, Progressive Delivery, batch processing? Easy - there is a tool that provides an effective way of solving each problem. The email that notifies the team about successful deployment is the cherry on the cake and should not be hard to do, right? Well, the notifications support is not as straightforward as it sounds. Does your team prefer Slack, Telegram, or all of the above? Do you want to fine-tune notifications criteria and avoid spamming your team about each and every change? Do you need customized notification messages that include details specific to your environment? We have solved this problem for Argo by introducing a generic Notification Engine that powers a notification experience for Argo projects. You will learn how to leverage the engine to configure notifications for Argo projects as well as how to use it for any other Kubernetes-native application.
