
Evolving the Cloud Native Maturity Model


Authors:   John Forman, Danielle Cook, Robert Glenn, Simon Forster


The Cloud Native Maturity Model is a framework to help users navigate the CNCF landscape and understand where they are in their journey. The model has five stages and covers key areas such as people, processes, policies, and technology. The goal is to provide a one-stop-shop of resources for end-users and adopters.
  • The Cloud Native Maturity Model helps users navigate the CNCF landscape and understand where they are in their journey
  • The model has five stages: building, operation, scaling, improving, and revisiting
  • Key areas covered include people, processes, policies, and technology
  • The goal is to provide a one-stop-shop of resources for end-users and adopters
The Cloud Native Landscape can be confusing for users, with many companies and open-source technologies to choose from. The maturity model provides a clear framework for users to follow, with specific guidance on what to do at each stage of their journey. For example, in the building stage, users are encouraged to run a proof of concept and try out different applications. As they move into the operation stage, they should focus on moving to production with one application. The model also emphasizes the importance of improving security and revisiting earlier decisions in the later stages.


Am I doing this cloud native stuff the right way? The Cloud Native Landscape is a great resource for users to see the technology in the cloud native space. But it can lead to uncertainty and constant second guessing if you are doing cloud native right. The Cartografos Working Group developed the Cloud Native Maturity Model, a five phase framework to help those new to cloud native and those deep in the trenches understand where they are in their journey and what they should be considering or doing. In this session, panelists from the Cartografos Working Group will discuss the maturity model and its phases. They’ll give an overview of what you should expect out of the people at your organization, the processes and policies to put in place, and where CNCF projects fit in. The session will also dive into how the Cloud Native Maturity Model should evolve with the ever-changing CNCF landscape. Audience members will be encouraged to join the group and offer suggestions on ways to improve the Maturity Model.


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