
Application Autoscaling Made Easy With Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling

Authors:   Tom Kerkhove


The presentation discusses the use of Cadence-driven auto-scaling in Kubernetes clusters and the roadmap for future developments.
  • Cadence-driven auto-scaling can be used in Kubernetes clusters to scale applications across nodes.
  • Cluster auto-scaler can be used to resize the whole cluster to allow for further scaling.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service cluster can use virtual nodes to overflow capacity to Azure Container Instances for serverless Kubernetes experience.
  • Cadence is constantly evolving and adding new scales and secret sources to authenticate.
  • Cadence is working on building a community around external scalars and making it better to discover them.
  • Cadence is working on adding CloudEvents to expose them outside of the cluster or integrate with existing tools to gain more insights.
  • Cadence is working on adding support for HTTP workloads to enable scaling to zero.
  • Cadence is working on supporting gateway API service meshes by relying on the Service Mesh Interface.
The presenter gave an example of how Azure Function Core Tools can be used to deploy Azure functions to Kubernetes clusters, and Cadence is automatically installed to manage the auto-scaling for serverless workloads without the user having to worry about it.


Deploying applications to Kubernetes is one thing, but how do you scale them? Horizontal Pod Autoscalers to the rescue! But when you want to scale on external providers such as Kafka, Redis or another dependency it is not a walk in the park anymore. Enter Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) which allows you to take your existing apps and easily configure how it should scale without having to worry about the magic! Using Kafka, Azure, AWS, GCP, Prometheus, etc? Don't worry, we've got your back! Join this talk to learn what KEDA is, how simple it is to get started and why it makes application autoscaling so easy!



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