
Choose Your Own Adventure: The Treacherous Trek to Development


Authors:   Viktor Farcic, Whitney Lee


The presentation discusses the challenges of getting source code to a development environment using CNCF projects and involves audience participation in choosing which project to use at each step.
  • The presentation involves audience participation in choosing which CNCF project to use at each step of the process
  • The goal is to get source code to a development environment using CNCF projects
  • The presentation discusses two CNCF projects: Lima and Cloud Native Build Packs
  • Lima is a VM optimized to run container D on a Mac and uses a CLI called nerd cuddle
  • Cloud Native Build Packs uses a builder to input application source code and output an OCI compliance container image without using a Docker file
  • Relevant anecdotes or stories were not provided


From the moment of their inception as source code on the developer’s laptop, our hero knows that they are destined for great things. They long to be a real, running application, living in production, serving end users! But the epic journey to production is an arduous one, filled with cascading choices—choices concerning container build strategy, image registries, application configuration, adding and managing a database, migrating database schema, and Kubernetes-native development, to name a few. And who knows what other unseen forces lurk in the shadows! One wrong step could be catastrophic.It is up to us, the audience, to guide our hero; and to help them grow from source code to container image, to the first pitstop on their journey- running in a development environment. In this ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’-style talk, Whitney and Viktor will present a linear view of all of the choices that an anthropomorphized application must make as they try to find their way to the fabled land of development. Throughout the presentation, the audience will use a voting app to choose which path our hero application will take. Can we navigate CNCF projects and avoid pitfalls and dead-ends to get our application to development before the session time elapses?Join us if you dare! This talk is not for the faint of heart!
