
How to Get Involved in CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG


Authors:   Huamin Chen, Marlow Weston


The presentation discusses the charter and projects of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's (CNCF) Sustainability TAG, which aims to develop tooling and strategies to reduce energy consumption and improve environmental sustainability in cloud native implementations.
  • The Sustainability TAG aims to assess and improve environmental sustainability approaches in cloud native implementations.
  • The TAG will develop tooling, benchmarks, and processes to evaluate the technological and architectural health of projects.
  • The TAG will also engage in community outreach and collaboration with pre-existing communities to identify use cases and incorporate ideas for carbon reduction and energy consumption.
  • The TAG has ongoing projects such as a landscape document, a glossary, and an end user sustainability survey.
  • The TAG is open to volunteers and suggestions for events, podcasts, and case studies.
The TAG plans to develop a risk matrix to collect metrics and optimize energy consumption in data centers. One of the projects they will present is how to use metrics from projects like Kepler to fine-tune workload deployments and reduce energy consumption. The TAG also plans to conduct an end user sustainability survey to gather information on sustainability needs and ensure that the community targets the right people.


In September of 2022, the Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG) was created within the CNCF. The charter was worked on by many members of the community with passion for minimizing carbon consumption. The TAG was created to advocate, develop, support, and help evaluate environmental sustainability initiatives within cloud native technologies.Hear from the one of the TAG co-chairs and a community contributor on the CNCF community the TAG’s charter and scope, introduce ongoing and planned initiatives, and answer questions from the community.In this session, we will discuss in detail the goals of the TAG, share how it will identify values and incentives for service providers to reduce their consumption and carbon footprint through cloud native tooling, and discuss how you can become involved.


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