
Yesterday, Today … Project Harbor - The Maintainers Track


Authors:   Yan Wang, Vadim Bauer


Harbor is an open-source registry for managing Cloud native artifacts in a Kubernetes environment. It offers multi-tenancy, policy enforcement, replication, and security features.
  • Harbor is a trusted Cloud native repository for Kubernetes
  • It offers multi-tenancy and row-based access control for flexible user permissions
  • Policy enforcement includes caller creation, retention policy, and immutability
  • Replication and process cache allow for artifact distribution
  • Security and compliance are core features with identity access management and P2P capabilities
As container adoption grows, managing Cloud native artifacts becomes a challenge. Harbor provides a solution with its multi-tenancy and policy enforcement features, ensuring secure and compliant artifact distribution. Its replication and process cache capabilities also make it easier to manage artifact distribution. Additionally, Harbor's P2P capabilities and identity access management ensure that security is a top priority.


In this session, maintainers are going to highlight the benefits of new features towards better image management, a short overview of v2.7 and v2.8 release and show some of the new features like “Replication by chunk”, Job dashboar.... Next we will discuss the effort on topics such as Edge usage and ongoing implementation of harbor-operator and newly adopted Terraform provider for Harbor We will also talk about the Harbor community, including ways to contribute and areas(work groups) where we need help, such as in the Technical Documentation WG. We will also thank the contributors for their work in version 2.8 and share some of the adoption statistics for Harbor. Finally, we will discuss the roadmap and for the future of Harbor, including planned updates and improvements as we will provide an opportunity for participants to provide feedback.This is a great opportunity to learn about Harbor and how you can get involved in the community.
