
Disrupting the Downtime Continuum


Authors:   Taylor Thomas, Brooks Townsend


WebAssembly is the future of cloud computing and can be used to write basic services, small parts of a service, or full stateful applications. It can be seamlessly integrated with Kubernetes and GitHub for easy deployment and testing.
  • WebAssembly is a polyglot technology that can be used to write basic services, small parts of a service, or full stateful applications
  • WebAssembly can be seamlessly integrated with Kubernetes and GitHub for easy deployment and testing
  • Cosmonic has released Kubernetes Supplier, which allows for automatic connection to services running in WebAssemblyCloud
  • GitHub packages implements a more general OCI spec, making it easy to pull WebAssembly code from anywhere
  • Limited language support currently exists, but Rust has the best support and other languages are being developed
The speaker mentioned a talk by Collins where he showed examples of small services that could be written using WebAssembly, such as those used by Adobe. The speaker also discussed the concept of the 'bridge to the future', where Kubernetes can be connected to services running in WebAssemblyCloud using Kubernetes Supplier. This allows for easy integration of WebAssembly with existing platforms. The speaker also mentioned that GitHub packages implements a more general OCI spec, making it easy to pull WebAssembly code from anywhere.


At this point in Cloud Native development, many people run headlong into the “day 2” operational headaches that come with running containers at scale. One of the most frustrating is handling dependency patching and version migration. We’ve all been there. A vulnerability is released and thus begins a frantic scramble to patch hundreds of container images and release them everywhere. WebAssembly and wasmCloud offer a better way! This demo-heavy talk will start with a brief introduction to WebAssembly and what it can enable. Then we will discuss how wasmCloud leverages WebAssembly to make creating and running an application at scale a breeze. We’ll then demonstrate downtime-free migration, patching, and failover between clouds live on stage with no changes to configuration or code.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!


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