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Authors: Taylor Thomas, Brooks Townsend

One of the most common refrains we hear when we talk to people about WebAssembly (Wasm) is "well...I've seen tons of examples but it seems like it is just a toy and not ready for production." In this talk, we hope to prove the opposite! We will discuss how Cosmonic built almost its entire platform using Wasm and wasmCloud. To start, we will review what Wasm and wasmCloud are and how they work. Then, using what we built at Cosmonic as context, we will dive into concrete details of real databases, message queues, event sourcing, key-value stores, infrastructure provisioning, tracing, metrics, and security controls – all leveraging Wasm! With that knowledge, we will review the pros and cons of using Wasm, the gaps that need to be filled, the lessons we learned, and how it helped influence the Wasm community.
Authors: Taylor Thomas, Brooks Townsend

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WebAssembly is the future of cloud computing and can be used to write basic services, small parts of a service, or full stateful applications. It can be seamlessly integrated with Kubernetes and GitHub for easy deployment and testing.
  • WebAssembly is a polyglot technology that can be used to write basic services, small parts of a service, or full stateful applications
  • WebAssembly can be seamlessly integrated with Kubernetes and GitHub for easy deployment and testing
  • Cosmonic has released Kubernetes Supplier, which allows for automatic connection to services running in WebAssemblyCloud
  • GitHub packages implements a more general OCI spec, making it easy to pull WebAssembly code from anywhere
  • Limited language support currently exists, but Rust has the best support and other languages are being developed