
Kubernetes for Mac: How to Consume Shiny AWS Mac Shapes for iOS Builds


Authors:   Madhuri Yechuri, Zach Gray


The presentation discusses the use of Kubernetes to manage Mac compute shapes on AWS for iOS builds, with a focus on Flare.build's experience and lessons learned.
  • Flare.build is part of Google's Bazel Experts Program and offers value-added services for building and testing applications at scale using Bazel
  • Nodeless Kubernetes, developed by Ilota, aims to provide compute that comes up and disappears according to application lifecycle, and can be used to manage Mac compute shapes on AWS
  • The presentation discusses the challenges of unifying different compute types for distributed builds, and the benefits of using Kubernetes to manage Mac compute shapes on AWS
  • The presenters share their experience evaluating manually-managed vs Kubernetes-managed Mac compute shapes on AWS, and suggest best practices for managing Mac compute shapes on Kubernetes
The presenters discuss how Nodeless Kubernetes can predict pending parts in the environment and reuse existing Mac one metal instances to save costs. They also mention that Nodeless Kubernetes is working on supporting M1 instance types that have recently come to market.


iOS builds have traditionally run on manually managed Mac servers sitting in brick and mortar data centers. Availability of Mac compute shapes on AWS presents a unique opportunity to move these builds into the cloud along with the ease of managing them via Kubernetes, thereby simplifying Operations. This talk describes Flare.build’s journey of evaluating manually-managed vs Kubernetes-managed Mac compute shapes on AWS, lessons learnt, and suggested best practices.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!x


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