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Authors: Madhuri Yechuri, Zach Gray

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of Kubernetes to manage Mac compute shapes on AWS for iOS builds, with a focus on Flare.build's experience and lessons learned.
  • Flare.build is part of Google's Bazel Experts Program and offers value-added services for building and testing applications at scale using Bazel
  • Nodeless Kubernetes, developed by Ilota, aims to provide compute that comes up and disappears according to application lifecycle, and can be used to manage Mac compute shapes on AWS
  • The presentation discusses the challenges of unifying different compute types for distributed builds, and the benefits of using Kubernetes to manage Mac compute shapes on AWS
  • The presenters share their experience evaluating manually-managed vs Kubernetes-managed Mac compute shapes on AWS, and suggest best practices for managing Mac compute shapes on Kubernetes