
Kubernetes Networking 101 - Randy Abernethy, RX


Authors:   Randy Abernethy


The presentation introduces the world of Kubernetes network communications in a practical way, focusing on container networking, Kubernetes services, and DNS. The goal is to help attendees understand the basics of Kubernetes networking and provide a starting point for further exploration.
  • The presentation covers container networking and how pods communicate using a CNI plugin
  • Kubernetes services are discussed as a way to provide a front end for a set of dynamically changing pods
  • DNS is explored as a way to create an abstraction on top of virtual IPs
  • Understanding Kubernetes concepts is fundamental to understanding Kubernetes networking
The presenter emphasizes the importance of understanding Kubernetes concepts by stating that attendees will keep stepping into potholes if they don't. By understanding Kubernetes, attendees will be able to grasp the basics of Kubernetes networking and have a starting point for further exploration.


Kubernetes Networking 101 will introduce attendees to the world of network communications in a hands on Cloud Native setting. This talk delivers a high level but completely practical end to end look at service communications within and without a Kubernetes cluster. Attendees will see how the many facets of Kubernetes networking come together to enable powerful communications solutions first hand. The tutorial begins with the simplest types of service communications, using Kubernetes services, DNS (CoreDNS) and CNI plugins (Cilium) to facilitate interprocess communications and load balancing. The tutorial builds additional scenarios on this base, including ingress (Emissary/Envoy), NodePort / HostPort features, load balancing (Metal-lb) and finally a short look at service mesh functionality (Linkerd). Upon completion of this tutorial, attendees will have a clear understanding of the Kubernetes communications possibilities and pointers to next steps in the learning journey.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!


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