
The State of the Cloud Native Network: Deep-dive from TAG-Network


Authors:   Ed Warnicke, Lee Calcote


Cloud Native Networking is evolving with new, more powerful, more flexible ways to allow applications to communicate with each other. The talk aims to break down the vastness of Cloud Native Networking into a structure where the audience can understand the options and choices available to them as they try to solve their problems.
  • Cloud Native is an evolution of how to better meet application developers needs in a world that has moved beyond the mental model of the underlying infrastructure
  • Cloud Native Networking is vast, encompassing various projects such as CNI, CoreDNS, Envoy, gRPC, Linkerd, NATs, Network Service Mesh, BFE, Contour, Kuma, Service Mesh Interface, Chaos Mesh, Open Service Mesh, Emissary, k8gb, Service Mesh Performance, Submariner, Cilium, Meshery, Fab Edge, Istio, Nighthawk, Aeraki, and FabEdge
  • Minimal toil is one of the central maxims of Cloud Native, which includes the cognitive toil involved in understanding what to do
  • CNI is the SPI that plugins must meet in order to provide networking to a Kubernetes cluster
  • The base layer of what you get in intra-cluster networking is every pod can reach every other pod via L3 VIP
  • Isolation in Kubernetes is typically done with Network policies, which allow you to specify via selection certain pods that are going to be isolated
  • Services deal with service discovery and routing in the most basic sense
The speaker asked the audience how many of them have workloads that don't communicate with anything, and there were no responses. This illustrates the central reality that workloads that don't talk to anything are profoundly uninteresting in the Cloud Native environment.


Every application needs to communicate.That communication happens over the network.Cloud Native, at its most basic, is an evolution of how to better meet application developers needs in a world that has moved beyond the mental model of the underlying infrastructure.  The Network is also evolving with new, more powerful, more flexible ways to allow applications to communicate with each other.Cloud Native Networking is vast, encompassing CNI, CoreDNS, Envoy, gRPC, Linkerd, NATs,  Network Service Mesh, BFE, Contour, Kuma, Service Mesh Interface, Chaos Mesh, Open Service Mesh, Emissary, k8gb, Service Mesh Performance, Submariner, Cilium, Meshery, Fab Edge, Istio, Nighthawk, Aeraki, and FabEdge. The vastness can be daunting.Come learn about the big picture in Cloud Native Networking in the CNCF from basic L3 Connectivity up to the latest in Service Mesh and how to put it all in a context you can use.
