
Build a Cloud Native Logging Pipeline on the Edge with Fluentbit Operator


Authors:   Feynman Zhou


The presentation discusses the challenges of logging in Kubernetes and introduces Fluent Bit and Fluentd as popular logging solutions. It then focuses on FluentBit Operator, which empowers Fluent Bit and Fluentd, and demonstrates how to build a cloud-native logging pipeline on the edge with Fluent Operator.
  • Logging in Kubernetes poses challenges for security, compliance, and troubleshooting
  • Fluent Bit and Fluentd are popular logging solutions for Kubernetes
  • FluentBit Operator empowers Fluent Bit and Fluentd by enabling dynamic config reloading and controlling Fluent Bit via Kubernetes API
  • Fluent Operator allows for the management of Fluent Bit and Fluentd's lifecycle
  • A live demo and use case in KubeSphere is presented
The presenter mentions that developers, administrators, and security teams all have different demands and complaints when it comes to logging in Kubernetes. For example, developers produce a huge amount of logs from different data sources and formats, while administrators require a lightweight and secure solution for troubleshooting. Security teams request that logs be shipped to multiple destinations for auditing and visualization purposes. These challenges highlight the need for a specialized tool that can deal with different sources of information, data formats, data reliability, security, flexible routing, and multiple destinations.


FluentBit Operator was created by the KubeSphere community to solve several problems: 1. Collect K8s logs through a light-weighted agent like Fluent Bit 2. Control Fluent Bit via Kubernetes API 3. Collect logs and then send them to the final destination without having to go through Fluentd 4. Enable dynamic config reloading for Fluent Bit to reload its config whenever the config changes without restarting the Fluent Bit Pod. FluentBit Operator has reached its maturity level gradually after two and a half years of iterations, now it has became the subproject of Fluent community. In this talk, FluentBit Operator maintainers will talk about the architecture and design of Fluent Operator, and demonstrate how to use FluentBit Operator on K3s to process logs for the edge and IoT scenarios.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
