
Intro to KubeEdge: Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework

Authors:   Zefeng (Kevin) Wang


The Sedna project provides an AI toolkit for age cloud collaboration and synergy mechanism for AI workloads. The project aims to simplify incremental learning and enhance the federation of federated learning to support more scenarios for the robotic SIG.
  • The Sedna project is an AI toolkit for age cloud collaboration and synergy mechanism for AI workloads
  • The project simplifies incremental learning and enhances the federation of federated learning to support more scenarios for the robotic SIG
  • The Sedna project helps achieve joint influencing for day-to-day AI workload and simplifies the model training upgrade iteration
  • The project focuses on API definition and reference architecture as well as implementation relevant to the robotics ecosystem
  • The Sedna project may focus on containerizing some of the software including the iOS and the engageable
  • The project is used in the world's longest process C bridge to monitor metrics of the bridge and track traffic to generate emergency alerts
  • The Sedna project decouples the underlying US from Tokyo with oblique issues to allow age applications to focus on analyzing based on the data collected
  • The project aims to provide decentralized security functionality for applications across the age and support more universal protocols
  • The project plans to integrate with other communities such as Ajax Foundry, Bakery, Wasmage, and Lips Foundation
The Sedna project is used in the world's longest process C bridge to monitor metrics of the bridge and track traffic to generate emergency alerts. The project decouples the underlying US from Tokyo with oblique issues to allow age applications to focus on analyzing based on the data collected. In the cloud, they can achieve global monitoring, global metrics, and higher-level analysis based on big data.


KubeEdge is an open source edge computing framework that extends the power of kubernetes from central cloud to edge. In the year 2020, KubeEdge made big progress on user adoption, community development, cross-community collaborations and successfully moved to incubation level. In this talk, Kevin will review KubeEdge motivation, architecture; then go through latest updates on new features, user adoptions, SIG updates and new subprojects. After that Kevin will introduce where the project is heading to, updated project roadmap and how new contributors to get involved. There will be an open Q&A for attendees to ask questions.

