
Production Practice For Large-Scale Financial Application Platform In China Merchants Bank


Authors:   Jianbo Sun, Jiahang Xu


Kubavela is an extensible, add-on-based architecture platform for building cloud-native applications. It follows the OEM model and allows for concern separation, reducing complexity and providing transparent runtime.
  • Kubavela is an add-on-based architecture platform for building cloud-native applications
  • It follows the OEM model and allows for concern separation
  • Kubavela provides transparent runtime and reduces complexity
  • Kubavela is extensible and allows for the creation of add-ons
  • Kubavela has built-in capabilities and add-ons, including observability and traffic control
Kubavela allows for the easy creation and deployment of add-ons, such as observability and traffic control, which can be used to monitor and control the performance of cloud-native applications. This makes it easier for developers to build and deploy applications, while also providing transparency and reducing complexity.


China Merchants Bank(CMB) is one of the biggest bank in China which adopts cloud native technology for its rapidly evolving business needs. The challenges we meet are quite different from the practices of the internet industry, banking demand higher stability and security, at the same time, more complex historical architecture. For example, we need to handle the migration for diverse workloads from bare metal to serverless to provide a consistent experience. We must provide progressive rollout with traffic management to keep the stability without breaking any business continuity. We need to have insight for the application delivery and management process to meet the business SLO by observability, further more, to reduce the cost of resources and improve utilization. In this talk, we'll share our practices on building a modern banking cloud native platform, that mainly leverages CNCF projects such as KubeVela, KubeVirt, Envoy, Opentelemetry and others, to serve diverse workloads and solve all the above chanllenges.
