
Kubernetes SIG CLI: Intro and Updates


Authors:   Maciej Szulik, Katrina Verey, Eddie Zaneski


Improving the debuggability of Kubernetes clusters and encouraging more contributions from the community
  • Kubernetes is overwhelmed by the amount of functionality added and needs to focus on improving the statuses and debuggability
  • The lack of visibility into the deployment reason for failing to start is a major issue
  • The Kubernetes community needs more contributors, including developers, PMs, and technical writers
  • The community is open to mentoring and bringing on new maintainers, but needs a firm commitment from them
  • Unifying the statuses of all the controllers is being worked on to improve the situation
  • The cube cuddle events command and cube cuddle debug command are being developed to expose more information
The speaker shared a story about how difficult it is for newcomers to debug Kubernetes clusters because each controller was written by a different person at a different point in time, leading to a lack of continuity and difficulty in following what's going on with everything. They are working on unifying the statuses of all the controllers to make it easier for users to learn and understand how each controller works.


SIG CLI is the special interest group for the command line tooling of the Kubernetes project. The SIG maintains kubectl, kustomize, and related libraries. In this session the SIG CLI leads will provide an introduction to the SIG and an overview of how to contribute. They will share the work done over the past year and present KEP3659, an exciting new specification and strategy for maturing kubectl apply's pruning functionality, which has been in alpha for more than twenty releases.


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