
Simplified Experience Of Building Cluster API Provider In Multitenant Cloud


Authors:   Arun M. Krishnakumar, Sahithi Ayloo


The presentation discusses the experience of building a Cluster API provider in a multi-tenant cloud platform, including challenges faced and design patterns used.
  • Cluster API simplifies cluster life cycle management
  • Building a Cluster API provider requires understanding of core components and infrastructure providers
  • Common challenges include multi-tenancy and user quota management
  • Design patterns for Cluster API usage in multi-tenant cloud environments are important
  • Kubernetes can be built as a service layer on multi-tenant clouds using Cluster API
The presenters discussed the importance of setting labels on CRDs and the challenges they faced with multi-version API support. They also emphasized the importance of self-service for tenant users and the need to represent their identity in Kubernetes clusters.


Cluster life cycle management is a challenging task and Cluster API promises to simplify provisioning, upgrading, and operating multiple Kubernetes clusters. With the growing adoption of CAPI in recent times, are you looking into writing your own Cluster API provider for your infrastructure (or) cloud with a unique set of requirements and constraints? We got you covered. This talk will walk you through our journey as a Cluster API provider and all the lessons learned the hard way. - Building blocks to implement Cluster API provider, and bare essentials like CSI & CPI. - What are the common patterns around developing and debugging workflows? - How to enable multi-version API support via webhooks?- How to address common problems like multi-tenancy, and user quota management in a strong multitenant cloud environment with Enterprise customers? - How to leverage CAPI in building Kubernetes as a Service layer on your clouds.Come and learn from the maintainers of a Cluster API infrastructure provider - "our journey around moving from handcrafted Kubernetes life cycle management to Cluster API based life cycle management in a multitenant cloud".


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