
CNCF Code of Conduct Working Group: Presenting a new structure for incident resolution


Authors:   Christoph Blecker, Joanna Lee, Arun Gupta, Alena Prokharchyk, Andres Vega, Emily Fox, Matt Farina


The presentation discusses the development of a new code of conduct body for the cloud native community, with a focus on community health and increasing understanding between members. The goal is to create a healthy community where everyone feels safe participating in.
  • The new code of conduct body is being developed to define common expectations and procedures for the cloud native community.
  • The goal is to create a healthy community where everyone feels safe participating in.
  • Increasing understanding between community members is essential to achieving this goal.
  • The code of conduct committee aims to provide transparency and fairness in the process, with clear conflict of interest procedures and multiple paths for reporting.
  • The committee also aims to promote restorative and transformative justice, in addition to traditional incident resolution procedures.
The speaker mentions that not all interactions within the community necessarily violate the code of conduct, but they still provide opportunities for engagement and learning. The committee aims to engage with individuals who may have engaged in behavior perceived as problematic, and provide them with an opportunity to understand how their behavior was perceived and learn from the experience. This approach helps to increase awareness and understanding between community members with different backgrounds and personalities.


We are almost across the finish line in launching a new structure for resolving Codes of Conduct in the CNCF community! Join us for an overview of the proposed new incident resolution framework that has resulted from the Code of Conduct Working Group's efforts over the last 9 months. This session will be valuable for projects or individuals looking to adopt a similar framework or any community member interested or already working on a code of conduct committee. Additionally, the public comment period is still open, so feel free to share your feedback during this live session, or via the Working Group repository: https://github.com/cncf/wg-coc.


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