
Flux Beyond Git: Harnessing the Power of OCI


Authors:   Stefan Prodan, Hidde Beydals


Flux is moving towards OCI and container registries without relying on GitOps. The project is split into multiple controllers that can be extended without modifying its source code. GitLab and Orange have joined the Flux ecosystem, and there is an open-source edition called Weave Flux that offers a full-featured web UI for Flux.
  • Flux is a project that is split into multiple controllers that can be extended without modifying its source code.
  • Flux is moving towards OCI and container registries without relying on GitOps.
  • GitLab and Orange have joined the Flux ecosystem.
  • Weave Flux is an open-source edition that offers a full-featured web UI for Flux.
Mobile carriers like Deutsche Telecom are relying on Flux to do 5G deployments. Twitch Telecom has its own solution built on top of Flux with log integration and extensions. Weave Flux offers a full-featured web UI for Flux, which is something that people have been asking for a long time.


In this session, Stefan and Hidde will talk about the latest developments of Flux around the Open Container Initiative (OCI). The focus will be on how OCI can serve as the single source of truth for both application code (container images) and configuration (OCI artifacts). We will start by explaining how Flux can be used as a package manager for distributing Kubernetes configs and Terraform modules as OCI artifacts. Afterwards, we will demonstrate how to build a secure delivery pipeline that leverages Flux integrations with GitHub Actions and keyless signatures from Sigstore Cosign. Lastly, we will touch upon the upcoming plans for 2023 and the significance of OCI in the future of continuous delivery with Flux.


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