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Authors: Christian Hernandez, Leigh Capili, Priyanka Pinky Ravi, Roberth Strand, Filip Jansson

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The panel discusses the evolution and principles of GitOps and its impact on configuration management and infrastructure deployment.
  • GitOps is a set of principles and practices that decouples CI and CD, allowing for a more asynchronous task coordination.
  • GitOps tools, such as Flux, Argo, and Carvel, have emerged to support the GitOps workflow.
  • Stateful infrastructure is a reality in larger teams and systems, but GitOps can help by providing a desired state for complex computers like Kubernetes.
  • The principles of GitOps have driven the development of the tools, resulting in similar workflows across different tool sets.
  • The panel emphasizes the importance of understanding what is GitOps material and what is not when setting up infrastructure with tools like Terraform.
Authors: Stefan Prodan, Hidde Beydals

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Flux is moving towards OCI and container registries without relying on GitOps. The project is split into multiple controllers that can be extended without modifying its source code. GitLab and Orange have joined the Flux ecosystem, and there is an open-source edition called Weave Flux that offers a full-featured web UI for Flux.
  • Flux is a project that is split into multiple controllers that can be extended without modifying its source code.
  • Flux is moving towards OCI and container registries without relying on GitOps.
  • GitLab and Orange have joined the Flux ecosystem.
  • Weave Flux is an open-source edition that offers a full-featured web UI for Flux.
Authors: Kingdon Barrett, Somtochi Onyekwere

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Improvements made to Flux CD's support for Git and other source control systems
  • Improved support for Git packages, making it easier to contribute
  • Refactored spaghetti code into a more organized structure
  • Improved support for DevOps Azure DevOps and Git, and AWS CodeCommit
  • Improved clone speeds and reduced CPU and memory usage
  • PR out to enable GoGet for Azure DevOps and CodeCommit
  • Formalized RFC process for feature requests
Authors: Kingdon Barrett, Somtochi Onyekwere

Flux Bug Scrub is a modern staple of the Flux community, a meeting of Flux maintainers and community members, which has been running nearly continuously on a weekly basis for over 1 year. Community members from any aspect or skill level are invited to join for discussion of Flux-related issues and learn about Flux topics "by reading the discussions and issue reports aloud as a group" through our familiar Bug Scrub format – and just as usual we can expect that depending on the group, this will easily devolve into quite unstructured yet wildly more interesting open conversation about broader topics in the surrounding ecosystem.This year ContribFest has given us an opportunity to meet live and in person, we hope to see you there (and again at future Bug Scrubs!)This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
Conference:  ContainerCon 2022
Authors: Corby Page, Cora Iberkleid

The Kubernetes ecosystem has a rich set of solutions for various stages of CI/CD. Tools like Flux, Tekton, kpack, Knative, ArgoCD, and more help create a modern path to production. And yet, teams and organizations that adopt these tools struggle with complex, DIY snowflake pipelines. The challenge can be creating and maintaining imperative scripts; orchestrating the flow of information between tools; driving reusability; adopting GitOps practices; and enabling proper separation of concerns. Cartographer is an exciting OSS project that elegantly addresses these challenges, providing the backbone for a modern application platform built on Kubernetes. Rooted in the concept of event-driven supply chain choreography, it enables composable, reusable roadmaps to drive source code to production. It provides an abstraction layer that facilitates the adoption and integration of existing and emerging CI/CD tools, while clearly delineating developer and operator ownership. It complements the existing ecosystem, filling an important gap to ease use, maintenance, and scalability. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create secure end-to-end workflows, sustainably and at scale. You will gain working knowledge of Cartographer that you can apply to your own application deployments.
Authors: Duane DeCapite

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Scaling Container Builds with Software Supply Chains
  • Buildpacks, flux, and Cartographer projects can automate the software supply chain and help to address container builds at scale while minimizing the burden on developers
  • Buildpacks simplifies the process of going from source code to a running container without requiring Docker files
  • Buildpacks creates an S-bomb natively as part of the build process and supports a wide variety of S-bom formats
  • Rebasing capability in Buildpacks is key for large organizations with hundreds of apps that use a common base OS layer
  • Cartographer is a Kubernetes native supply chain that automates best practices and a shift left methodology
  • Flux is a Git watcher that runs the supply chain when the developer commits code to the repository
  • Choreography is more flexible than linear orchestration and is based on a Kubernetes API
  • Supply chain can be triggered automatically without a code commit from the developer
Authors: Michael Bridgen, Hidde Beydals

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Flux is a Kubernetes operator that automates the deployment and scaling of containerized applications
  • Flux uses image automation to update container images in a cluster
  • Flux has varying unit test coverage and is working on standardization and RBAC security model
  • Flux is reorganizing its documentation to better serve different entry points and cloud platforms
Authors: Kingdon Barrett

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of Flux and Jenkins in DevOps and the importance of shortening the development loop. It also highlights the advanced features of Flux, such as image automation and disaster recovery.
  • Flux is a pull-based system that shortens the development loop and separates the jobs of CI and CD
  • Flagger makes deployment even safer
  • Image automation is a popular feature of Flux
  • Git repository is used for secrets and must be protected
  • Flux is great for disaster recovery
  • The presentation will show a hard thing at the Flux booth that solves a problem with image update automation