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Authors: Natalie Arellano, Aidan Delaney

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses customizing the build process using Cloud Native Buildpacks. It explores the various buildpacks extension points that enable custom workflows for application developers and platform operators.
  • Cloud Native Buildpacks simplifies building container images
  • Customizing the build process is necessary for some workflows
  • Inline buildpacks and build time environment variables can be used for customization
  • Base image extension with Dockerfiles can be used by platform operators
  • Buildpacks can be used to implement unique build patterns
Authors: Aidan Delaney

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses multi-architecture images and their implementation in Buildpacks.
  • Buildpacks are a declarative way to translate application source code into a production image.
  • Multi-architecture images are becoming increasingly important as developers require their applications to run on both x86_64 and ARM64.
  • The current platform specification maps a platform onto a single architecture, so there is a need to explore approaches to implementing multi-architecture images.
  • Three high-level approaches to implementing multi-architecture images are presented.
  • The talk aims to accelerate the discussion around multi-architecture images and encourage design questions around it.
Authors: Duane DeCapite

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Scaling Container Builds with Software Supply Chains
  • Buildpacks, flux, and Cartographer projects can automate the software supply chain and help to address container builds at scale while minimizing the burden on developers
  • Buildpacks simplifies the process of going from source code to a running container without requiring Docker files
  • Buildpacks creates an S-bomb natively as part of the build process and supports a wide variety of S-bom formats
  • Rebasing capability in Buildpacks is key for large organizations with hundreds of apps that use a common base OS layer
  • Cartographer is a Kubernetes native supply chain that automates best practices and a shift left methodology
  • Flux is a Git watcher that runs the supply chain when the developer commits code to the repository
  • Choreography is more flexible than linear orchestration and is based on a Kubernetes API
  • Supply chain can be triggered automatically without a code commit from the developer
Authors: Sambhav Kothari, Javier Romero

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Cloudnative buildbacks are a powerful feature that allows developers to focus on development rather than image building. It follows a modular approach and provides layer by layer information of the container. Buildpacks help create OCI images without writing a Docker file.
  • Cloudnative buildbacks allow developers to focus on development rather than image building
  • Buildpacks follow a modular approach and provide layer by layer information of the container
  • Buildpacks help create OCI images without writing a Docker file