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Authors: Yuvaraj Balaji Rao Kakaraparthi, Sagar Muchhal

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Improving developer productivity with Tilt in Kubernetes ecosystem
  • Modern applications are complex and distributed, making it hard to manage them
  • A good development workflow should be easy to spin up, have a quick feedback loop, be debuggable, and have good visibility into the application
  • Tilt is a tool in the Kubernetes ecosystem that simplifies the development process by handling the pains that come with developing microservices
  • Tilt can be used to spin up a development environment by running a single command
  • Tilt provides built-in functions that can help with providing instructions on how the entire application needs to be built and deployed
  • Using Tilt, developers can update their application in real-time, ensuring a quick feedback loop between making code changes and seeing the results
Authors: Dylen Turnbull, James Strong

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The presentation discusses the process of validating vulnerabilities and implementing remediation in Kubernetes Ingress and nginx core.
  • The process of validating vulnerabilities involves a lot of back and forth conversations to determine if it is an actual vulnerability and if the fix works.
  • Allowing users to run arbitrary code is a valid configuration option, but protections need to be put in place to prevent nefarious actions.
  • The Kubernetes Ingress team is working on validating user input to prevent mounting tokens or accessing unauthorized namespaces.
  • The process of implementing remediation in nginx core involves qualifying the vulnerability, determining the threat level, and deciding on a fix.
  • The remediation process takes around two weeks and involves careful consideration to prevent any mistakes that could affect millions of websites.
Authors: Flynn, Kay James, Lance Austin, Dave Sudia

Download the code ahead of time. DCO Required.Interested in getting experience with multiple CNCF projects? Come help us smash some bugs, remove deprecated features, and help work on new features. You can learn about developing helm charts, designing Kubernetes CustomResources, and working with Envoy configuration.This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
Authors: Andrew Block, Karena Angell, Scott Rigby

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The presentation discusses the Helm project, its code base, and ways to contribute to it.
  • The Helm project is comprised of several repositories, including the primary Helm repository, Helm www, Helm testing, Helm releaser, GitHub actions, and Chart Museum.
  • Contributions to the Helm project can be made through proposing new features, enhancing the code base, reporting and fixing bugs, and contributing to documentation and translations.
  • Improvement proposals (HIPs) can be created to propose how to improve the Helm code base.
  • The presentation emphasizes the importance of testing and documentation in contributing to the Helm project.
Authors: Andrew Block, Matt Farina, Karena Angell, Scott Rigby

Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, isn't just a mature graduated CNCF project. It's a package manager with an ecosystem surrounding it that makes life better for those building and using Kubernetes packages. In this session you'll get a short introduction to Helm itself. From there we'll take a journey down two paths. One path will look at the ecosystem around building packages. This will include tools and processes to help you with that. On the other path we'll look at using Helm and its packages in your clusters. This will explore Helm and the various projects around it that you may want to use. When this session is done you'll have a good grasp on what Helm is and where you can get started using it.
Authors: Mauricio Salatino, Whitney Lee

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The presentation discusses how a platform built on top of Kubernetes can facilitate the creation and consumption of complex infrastructure, empowering application teams to continuously deliver value to end users. The platform team manages the complexity of getting an application into production, freeing up application teams to focus on writing code.
  • Using Kubernetes and its APIs allows for a clear separation between infrastructure and application development teams
  • Platform teams collaborate with application teams to understand their needs and pain points, and encode best practices and policies into the platform itself
  • The platform team automates the path to production in a safe way, freeing up application teams to focus on writing code
  • The platform team manages the complexity of getting an application into production, freeing up application teams to focus on writing code
Authors: Guy Templeton, Stuart Davidson

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The importance of a blameless incident culture in DevOps and incident management
  • An experienced engineer made a mistake in the root file of the templating system, which was missed by a senior engineer during review
  • Skyscanner promotes a blameless attitude towards incidents and emphasizes the importance of a blameless culture
  • Incident management involves all responsible parties, including legal and user satisfaction teams
  • The incident commander role is crucial in coordinating technical and non-technical teams during an incident
  • Restoring services after an incident can be complicated and time-consuming
Authors: Martin Hickey, Andrew Block, Scott Rigby, Matt Butcher

Helm is a widely used and stable CNCF project that manages packages for Kubernetes, and will continue to dependably deliver what users have grown to love. So, which direction will Helm go in 2022 and beyond? In this session, Helm maintainers will show you why you should continue to be excited about Helm, and what lies ahead. We’ll highlight key features that you can take advantage of – both tried and true features users have grown to love, as well as newly matured features from over the past year. For the dynamic future of Helm, we’ll cover how interested users like you can keep the momentum going by participating and even contributing to the project. We’ll preview what this looks like, from simple tasks that most users can get started with, to helping shape the vision of Helm 4.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Mauricio Salatino

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The presentation discusses the importance of cloud strategy and multi-cloud approach in building a self-service conference platform. It also highlights the use of Tekton and Helm for automating the creation and packaging of artifacts, and KNative for making developers' lives easier.
  • Industries that are heavily regulated require running cloud providers that comply with regulations and allowing customers to run the platform in their on-prem cloud services
  • Clear definitions and a multi-cloud strategy are important in building platforms
  • Tekton and Helm can automate the creation and packaging of artifacts
  • KNative can make developers' lives easier by providing advanced traffic management and eventing capabilities
  • KNative Serving allows for easy creation of Canadian services and header-based routing
  • KNative Eventing provides producers and consumers of events to Kubernetes
Authors: Joe Kutner, Savitha Raghunathan, Mritunjay Sharma, Anushka Mittal

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Tips for choosing an open source project to contribute to
  • Self-evaluate your interests before choosing a project
  • Explore different projects, not just popular ones
  • Engage with the community and ask questions
  • Accept mistakes as part of the learning curve
  • Be patient when waiting for responses from maintainers