
How GitOps Changed Our Lives & Can Change Yours Too!


Authors:   Christian Hernandez, Leigh Capili, Priyanka Pinky Ravi, Roberth Strand, Filip Jansson


The panel discusses the evolution and principles of GitOps and its impact on configuration management and infrastructure deployment.
  • GitOps is a set of principles and practices that decouples CI and CD, allowing for a more asynchronous task coordination.
  • GitOps tools, such as Flux, Argo, and Carvel, have emerged to support the GitOps workflow.
  • Stateful infrastructure is a reality in larger teams and systems, but GitOps can help by providing a desired state for complex computers like Kubernetes.
  • The principles of GitOps have driven the development of the tools, resulting in similar workflows across different tool sets.
  • The panel emphasizes the importance of understanding what is GitOps material and what is not when setting up infrastructure with tools like Terraform.
One of the panelists shared how they received inquiries from the Ansible team on how to be more GitOps-like, highlighting the impact of GitOps on configuration management as a whole.


Are you considering GitOps? Are you already using it? Join a panel of GitOps project experts as they discuss their journeys and experiences with popular tools like Argo, Flux and other projects in the GitOps Ecosystem. They will share: * GitOps’ origins as a natural evolution of Kubernetes and DevOps best practices * How they have bettered their deployment & security practices * The usability and complexity issues that come with different tools/solutions * Pain points, struggles, adoption barriers * Lessons learned, first-hand benefits, how it’s changed the way they work All panelists are members of the GitOps Working Group and OpenGitOps Project and will discuss their experiences advancing the GitOps cause and helping the GitOps community – including you!


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