This talk showcases how you can create Istio / Envoy filters using almost any programming language with WebAssembly. We will showcase a demo of a filter developed using an interpreted language. Istio is a Service Mesh that routes a considerable amount of traffic on the Internet. Having the ability to extend its functionality using filters allow developers to implement many custom features. With WebAssembly and ProxyWasm, you can create filters using languages like Go, Rust, and Zig. All mentioned languages are compiled ones. What if you can extend it even more? What if you can use the same interpreted language that powers your backend? In this case, you can reuse your knowledge to create these filters. You don't need to learn a new language to write a filter for Istio. This flexibility simplifies the development process and ensures any team can build its filters. After this talk, you will know how to create a filter using an interpreted language. You will learn the requirements, tools, processes, and limitations.