
Emissary-Ingress: Self-Service APIs and the Kubernetes Gateway API


Authors:   Flynn, Lance Austin


Emissary is a self-service, developer-centric API Gateway with various resilience features and is built on top of Envoy Gateway. The project has had several new releases and added features since kubecon Detroit.
  • Emissary is a self-service, developer-centric API Gateway with various resilience features
  • The project has had several new releases and added features since kubecon Detroit
  • Emissary is built on top of Envoy Gateway
  • Edge stack provides an implementation of external services used by Emissary
  • Emissary is likely to shift to being built on top of Envoy Gateway
  • Newer versions of Emissary have a component called apix that handles translation between crd versions
The speaker emphasized the importance of the self-service, developer-centric, and opinionated configuration tools provided by Emissary. The goal is to allow developers to achieve their goals more quickly and easily by providing them with configuration tools that make sense to them. The speaker also mentioned the importance of understanding that Kubernetes is a means to an end, and that the end goal is to run applications that accomplish certain goals.


Emissary-ingress, a CNCF Incubating project, is a self-service Kubernetes-native open-source API gateway and ingress controller built on the Envoy Proxy -- but really, what does that mean? In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of why ingress controllers are necessary, how self-service developer workflows work for developers and for operations, and how Emissary-ingress can make all of this easier. We'll also look at current best practices around designing, managing, and evolving self-service APIs. We'll continue with a deeper dive into Emissary-ingress' evolution and future, notably, the plans for supporting the Kubernetes Gateway API, and our excitement about that emerging standard. You can also learn how to get involved as a contributor or as a user who wants to offer feedback. This is a great opportunity to interact directly with the Emissary-ingress maintainers and make sure your voice is heard!


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