
Contour, a High Performance Multitenant Ingress Controller for Kubernetes


Authors:   Alex Xu, Steve Sloka


Contour is a Kubernetes ingress controller that can turn a cluster into a routing cluster and delegate traffic to multiple clusters using the power of contour. It supports TCP traffic and can manage secrets differently than normal Kubernetes secrets.
  • Contour can turn a cluster into a routing cluster and delegate traffic to multiple clusters using the power of contour
  • Contour supports TCP traffic and can manage secrets differently than normal Kubernetes secrets
Contour doesn't go out and programmatically set up DNS for you, that's something that's on you to get set up today


Contour, a CNCF incubating project, is a high performance ingress and load balancer solution for Kubernetes. Contour offers a richer feature set than some common alternatives while maintaining a lightweight profile. At its core, Contour is providing a control plane for the Envoy edge and service proxy. This session will show you how to leverage Contour and Envoy for Kubernetes workloads in a multi-tenant environment as well as include a demo of recent Contour features. We will also focus on the project roadmap including enhanced support for Gateway API, the Contour Operator for enhanced lifecycle management, additonal configuration knobs for Envoy, feature enhancements such as ALS logging and distributed tracing support, and much more.
