James Manyika, Senior Vice President for Technology and Society at Google, will sit down with Alexandr Wang, Scale founder and CEO, to discuss the best ways to ensure that AI models assist work and grow the economy, even as they replace certain mundane tasks. Manyika will describe how prioritizing utility and focusing on harm reduction should be at the core of principled use and deployment of AI. Manyika will point out the need to allow people to know whether they are interacting with an AI agent or a human, versus scenarios in which it’s permissible to use algorithms and human workers interchangeably. Learn how to adapt to new forms of work and activities that evolve as AI systems become more capable, how to develop AI policy to ensure no harm comes from the use of AI, and about the geopolitical impact and importance of AI principles. Manyika will also discuss his recent work for the Academy of Arts and Sciences, as editor of the Spring 2022 issue of Dædalus. For this journal, he invited a number of noted AI researchers and tech luminaries to write about different aspects of AI and society, including how the technology is being used for climate change, healthcare, and the economy—particularly how it can be made even better in those use cases.