
Sponsored Keynote: Commit to the Cause. Push for Change. Take on the World’s Greatest Challenges with Kubernetes

Authors:   Briana Frank


Call for Code is a technology challenge that aims to use open source technology to solve some of the world's greatest problems. The challenge has inspired participants from around the world to learn new skills and apply them towards issues that affect them most. The winning solutions have been deployed and live on in strong open source projects that anyone can use or improve.
  • Call for Code is a movement started by four organizations motivated to use technology for good
  • Teams of developers with the right mindset, technology, and deployment ecosystem have the power to solve some of the world's greatest problems
  • Call for Code has inspired participants from around the world to learn new skills and apply them towards issues that affect them most
  • The winning solutions have been deployed and live on in strong open source projects that anyone can use or improve
OpenEEW is a winning solution that saves lives with an earthquake early warning system. It has deployed a set of low-cost accelerometer-based devices to detect tremors. Data is collected and processed using Kubernetes and generates alerts to nearby residents. This open source-based system provides a way for communities without a full national seismology system to gain access to life-saving technology.


The power that developers wield today has never been greater. Containers, cloud, and data provide the tools to tackle the greatest business challenges. At the same time, the existential threat posed by climate change is larger than it’s ever been. Humanitarian issues like racial injustice have divided us like never before. Can open source technology make a difference? Call for Code®, an initiative created in 2018 by David Clark Cause, IBM, the United Nations, and the Linux Foundation thinks (and shows) that it can.Over the past 3 years, we’ve seen powerful cloud native solutions built for Call for Code competitions to tackle the world’s greatest challenges, by building resilient emergency communications networks, protecting wildfire responders, and improving the yields of small farmers threatened by changing weather. Learn about the Kubernetes-based open source projects under the Call for Code with the Linux Foundation umbrella. Or, build your own cloud native solution for the 2021 Call for Code Global Challenge. Commit to the cause. Push for change. Answer the call.



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